5 Key Policy Drivers

Initiate a Clean Transition Dialogue with the plastics industry

Acknowledge essential role of plastics in delivering on the EU Green Deal

Support development of all recycling technologies

Clarity on mass balance by 2024

Simplify and accelerate permit procedures for projects to build installations with low-carbon and circular industrial technologies

Prioritize environmental impact over material-specific policies & ensure a material agnostic, science-and data-based approach to policies framing the transition

Urgently define mandatory minimum circular plastic content targets

Make use of sustainably sourced biomass for production of plastics financially attractive

Impose legal requirements to develop recyclable plastics products for all sectors

Endorse trustworthy certification systems and standards for the sustainable sourcing of circular and biomass feedstocks

Leverage public procurement for circular plastics and decarbonisation technologies

Support research and development for CCU

Funding a European circular plastics economy/transition

Designing regulation to reinvigorate the European plastics industry

Ensure competitive energy prices and make reliable supplies of low carbon energy and hydrogen accessible and affordable

Phase out landfilling and incineration of recyclable plastic waste

Financing and investments

Make shipping of sorted waste and recycled feedstock easier between EU Member States and align EU Waste Shipment legislation with the Basel Convention

Harmonise definitions and improve statistics for plastic and organic waste management

Enhance the quality and quantity of collected biowaste suitable as feedstock for plastics production

Continue to develop collaboration and transition platforms

Leverage the EU Single Market

Increase citizens’ awareness

Role of the Global Instrument to End Plastic Pollution

Want to learn more?

Download the 5 Key Policy Drivers infographic or learn more about our industry’s roadmap for plastics in Europe