Plastics Europe acknowledges that climate protection is one of the biggest environmental challenges of our society. We also consider that reducing greenhouse gas emissions of all origins should be one of our industry’s key priorities to ensure a sustainable future for the next generations, in addition to ensuring prosperity, jobs and competitiveness of the European economy.
We, therefore, support the EU’s ambition to become climate-neutral by 2050, contributing to the global climate objectives of the Paris Agreement. Within our responsibilities and competencies, we will work towards this common ambition, which will require new technologies and an enabling policy framework. Our members will collaborate with all relevant stakeholders to find and implement adequate solutions aimed at helping the EU reach this objective.
The greenhouse gas (GHG) impact of European plastics production, from raw material extraction to resin production, can be currently estimated at max 140 Mt CO2 eq., i.e. ca 3% of the total GHG European emissions (EU-27 + UK). To accelerate the transition to EU’s climate neutrality by 2050, next to enhancing energy and resource efficiency, the plastics industry is already stepping up its efforts to further reduce GHG emissions in the production phase.
Many of our member companies have already committed to climate targets on their journeys to net zero, further demonstrating the industry’s commitment to addressing the impacts of climate change.