Mandatory recycled content

European plastics producers have called for a mandatory EU recycled content target for plastics packaging of 30% by 2030.

The EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (PPWD) sets out targets for recycling packaging waste for 2025 and 2030 across a range of materials, including plastics. The revision of the Directive will see updates to legislation that will be key to the transition to a circular economy for plastics. We believe that final targets for recycled plastics should be set collaboratively with the institutions and the value chain partners.

Key for accelerating circularity

Plastics Europe endorses the objective of preventing and reducing excessive packaging and packaging waste.

Our members are investing billions of euro in supplying increased high-quality recycled plastics – 1.2 Mt by 2025 and 3.4 Mt by 2030. Our members’ planned investments in this vital technology and infrastructure range from EUR 2.6 billion by 2025 to EUR 8 billion by 2030, in Europe. Ramping up chemical recycling is essential to achieve such a mandatory target.

Further reading

European plastics producers call for a mandatory EU recycled content target for plastics packaging of 30% by 2030
Read our position paper on mandatory recycled content
Read more about chemical recycling