European plastics producers call for a mandatory EU recycled content target for plastics packaging of 30% by 2030

Brussels, 9 September 2021

An enabling policy framework and collaboration with the value chain are essential to reach target.

PlasticsEurope endorses the objective of preventing and reducing excessive packaging and packaging waste. We welcome the revision of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (PPWD), EU legislation that is key to the transition to a circular economy for plastics. European plastics producers support the European Commission’s proposal for a mandatory EU recycled content target for plastics packaging, and are today calling for a target of 30% for plastics packaging by 2030.

PlasticsEurope members are already working towards this target by investing billions of Euros in increased high-quality supply of recycled plastics and leading-edge technology solutions. Ramping up chemical recycling is essential to achieve such a mandatory target. For example, our members’ planned investments in this vital technology and infrastructure range from 2.6 billion Euros by 2025 to 8 billion Euros by 2030 in Europe.

For more information, please read our press release