What future for a circular economy with plastics Panel Montag 13 Mai

Munich, 13.05.2024 - At IFAT, the world's largest recycling trade fair, plastics manufacturers, recyclers, and environmental organizations are collectively seeking solutions to enable a circular economy for plastics. At Plastics Europe panel, a shared vision became tangible on Monday morning. Circular product design, alternative raw materials, reuse and refill, electrification, intelligent collection and sorting of plastic waste, and recycling processes must all interconnect to close the plastic loops. Furthermore, fossil resources must be significantly reduced in all phases of the value chain and replaced by alternative raw materials, for example, from biomass, recycled materials, and CO2.

What future for a circular economy with plastics Panel Montag 13 Mai
What future for a circular economy with plastics Panel Montag 13 Mai
Plastic Fantastic will selbstverständlich provozieren - Ingemar Bühler, Hauptgeschäftsführer von Plastics Europe
Hohe Kosten und schwache Konjunktur werden für Kunststofferzeuger immer mehr zum Problem.
Recycling von Kunststoffverpackungen erreicht neuen Rekordwert
Positionen von Verbänden und Industrie zur EU Verpackungsverordnung
UN-Plastikabkommen. Der Fokus muss auf Kreislaufwirtschaft liegen.
Plastics Europe äußert Bedenken an PPWR