Circular economy: How our pyrolysis oil is produced from mixed plastic waste

ARCUS liquid pyrolysis oil condensates
ARCUS has developed the first technology capable of truly closing the plastic loop and significantly reducing the carbon footprint of plastics by diverting valuable mixed plastic waste streams from incineration, thus contributing to the circular economy.

Advanced recycling approaches for complex waste streams
We see ourselves as a complement to mechanical recycling: We focus on mixed plastic waste without additional sorting of residues from mechanical recycling, providing a complementary and additional solution for complex waste streams (including ABS, PET and PVC) that meets all regulatory requirements

Liquid pyrolysis oil condensates for the petrochemical industry
The ARCUS process is a pyrolysis-based process that converts mixed plastic waste and produces high-quality liquids (ARCUS liquid pyrolysis oil condensates) for the petrochemical industry.

ARCUS processes around 4,000 tonnes of mixed plastic waste per year
All this takes place in Germany’s first industrial-scale pyrolysis plant at the Höchst Industrial Park in Frankfurt am Main. Our plant processes around 4,000 tonnes of mixed plastic waste per year. Our process is capable of processing any plastic waste, provided it is not classified as hazardous, without secondary sorting
Learn more about ARCUS liquid pyrolysis oil condensates
Meet us at IFAT 2024 – Booth A6.121
Meet us at IFAT 2024

Your Product Contact
Bettina Dempewolf
Head of Communication
PlasticsEurope Deutschland e.V.
+49 (171) 9713962
Plastics Europe – Booth A6.121, IFAT 2024